The year is 2020. After years of working in Delhi, I finally get invited into an office daaru party. Yes, that is a huge achievement for me cause it requires immense amount of trust and patience buildup to be a teetotaller and yet be welcomed to a party like this with open arms.
So I decided to make the most of this special moment. While others were busy gulping alcohol down their bellies, I was launching an attack on the chakna and the fruit juice. Once things were in the flow, and people had entered their zones, I took out my masterpiece for the evening, the Barbican - Grape flavour. Now most people think that I buy beverages only to drink them up on my own and post reviews about it. The truth is, I do these little experiments on people around me, like lab rats, ask them to take a sip and watch their reactions. If they find it fine, it is definitely not worth a review. But boy if they hate it, I know that is the review material! And what better lab rats than a bunch of drunk guys in half their senses.
So i passed it around. The first guy took a sip and stood up in disgust. His intoxication had suddenly faded away. This alerted the rest of them. I should have probably waited a little longer to let the alcohol get better of them before starting my experiment. People simply started running away from me, and I had to drink it all by myself.
I fear this might be the last time someone called me to such a party. If you are planning to host a party, do invite me, for science maybe, if not for fun!